Chapter D: Rocky Nudges!
So apparently while I was on holiday, my community conspired behind my back... to make an entirely new chapter ready to be put into the game?? I'm touched, this is great. It took me 2 hours to get through the Standard puzzles, and I'm saving Advanced for when I have more Brain.
Chapter D - Rocky Nudges is all about Nudges and Boulders, which have strange properties related to momentum.
The chapter will probably be touched up in the upcoming weeks as cheese and new ideas are found, but it's already in a quite playable state, IMO. It requires 176 puzzle solves to unlock, so check it out if you're far enough along!
I also added a search box to Level Select -> Community Levels so if you know the name of a level but not where it is / want to find any variants of it, this will help out!
**v14.0 (20th July 2024):**
* Chapter D: A new post-game chapter, 'Rocky Nudges', all about Nudges and Boulders, made by members of the community! Rushing Rivers and Sinkhole moved here.
* A level search has been added to the Community Levels tab of Level Select.
* No longer check if the puzzle is won when the player undoes (unless the puzzle is voidlike).
* Formless Exploration: Add Remote Controlled Cobblestone, Spitroast, Complex Compact, Microstatic, Clockwork, Blast Furnace.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Graduation [VAR3], Inverse Nudge Chain.
* Green's World: Add Graduation [VAR2], [SPEEDRUN] Collaborative Motion, Light Trolling, [VAR1] and [VAR2], Limited Rewind [VAR1], Skip [VAR1], Wither [VAR1], As The World Turns [VAR1], Waterslide (Waterslide Shortage), Bunker Door [VAR1], Cement Pit [VAR2], Woodskip [VAR2], Angry Chomper, Rock Glider, Rock Slider, Wooden Gate [VAR1].
* New community puzzles chapter, 'Bug Gallery', to isolate puzzles that exploit bugs that haven't been (or won't be) patched. Moved Noclip and Repeat Customer and Cut And Paste here. Added (Cry)stall, Crystal Stack and Negativity.
* Custom puzzles: Boulder momentum now activates for any move with a horizontal component.
**v14.1 (21st July 2024):**
* Chapter D: Constant Pushback and [VAR1] reworked into Constant Pushback and (Remix).
* Formless Exploration: Add Roofing Services.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Entropy Extractor. Firemaze [VAR1] moved to (Remix). Re-organize based on intended difficulty order and indicate this in-game.
* Bug Gallery: Move Light Trolling and VARs, Angry Chomper, violent pushback, time crash here. Move Bug Gallery to the end of Community Levels.
**v14.2 (22nd July 2024):**
* Fix a regression caused by v14.0 which made undoing out of a lost state not work properly.
* Tentatively fix a crash in 'Negativity'.
**v14.3 (26th July 2024):**
* Settings: Add 'Mute in Background'.
* If you lose and have to restart to continue, this state will not persist to future lose states that you can undo out of.
* Chapter D: Adjust Vertical Catalyst and Sudden Stop. Add Conveyor [VAR1].
* Formless Exploration: Add Mini Geode.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Ankh [VAR2] (oops). Add The Eclipse Pit and its Insight. Add Downwards Momentum [VAR1].
* Green's World: Add Skipping Stone, Spring Boots, Springlock System [VAR1].
**v14.4 (28th July 2024):**
* Visual bug fix: When a cuckoo clock changes colours, its thought bubble colour changes too.
* 'void banish' mechanic: When an actor becomes void, all undo events for that actor of the types (move, set_actor_var, time_bubble, sprite, tick) are deleted from history. 'Void banish' is skipped with a floating text notification if the puzzle name contains 'Noclip' for backwards compatibility. This is all tentative and may change in the future.
* Tentative mechanic change: Void actors now experience time before adjust_meta_turn, not after. (This fixes ghosts rendering at the wrong position, and means 'won' is checked after time passes, not before.)
* Credit Meo as a guest level designer. (This was true since v14.0, I just forgot.)
* Chapter -1: ||Buff Wall (Loop 2) [VAR1]. Buff Tall (Loop 2). Rework Braid (Loop 2). Move Carrying It (Loop 2) to the 'correct' position.||
* Formless Exploration: Add Inexorable Destruction, Survival Section.
**v14.5 (9th August 2024):**
* Chapter 6: Added Freedom [VAR1].
* Chapter Ω: Added Rink (Insight).
* Chapter D: Renamed Help Yourself II to Boulder Moving Service (including a savefix).
* Formless Exploration: Added Inexorable Destruction?, No(Thing) Left, Flow Control?, Crate Expectations?.
* Slabdrill's World: Added Bonfire (Insight) [VAR1], Elevator Pitch 3 and [VAR1], Added Stack Split (Remix). Modify Foot Wiggle [VAR5]. Added Death's Door and [VAR1]. Added Elevator Pitch 2. Added Jungle Gym. Added Rocket Engine?. Added The Twin Pit. Added Acrobat's Escape [VAR3].
* Custom elements: Added Pink Jelly, Cyan Jelly.
**v14.6 (10th August 2024):**
* Fixed a bug where jelly and spider web wouldn't check actions that happened in the most recent substep.
* Fixed a visual bug where flustering Light while winning a puzzle would cancel Light's fadeout.
* The Cutting Room Floor: Add Jello Kiddie Pool and [VAR1]. Split into two pages.
* Formless Expansion: Add Sacrificial Ditch, Osmosis and Clock Storage Solutions.
**v14.7 (12th August 2024):**
* Fixed a falling bug. The new behaviour is that when an actor lands due to gravity, it is considered to have 'fallen' one tile, and we do another loop to see if any further falling is necessary. This changes the behaviour of Heavy falling on Cyan Jelly to be consistent, for example. If the level name contains "Light Trolling", "Crystal Stack" or "(Cry)Stall", falling bug compat flag is enabled so these puzzles continue to use the old behaviour.
* The Cutting Room Floor: Added Trust Fall [VAR2], Hell [VAR2].
* Slabdrill's World: Added Jello Partition, The Solo Pit, Pittance [VAR1], Jello Kiddie Pool [VAR2].
* Limits of the Game: Added The begging of the dark.
**v14.8 (15th August 2024):**
* Split Ghost Fog into Ghost Fog and Purple Fog.
* Chapter -1: ||Buff Knot (Loop 2) and ditch Knot (Remix) (Loop 2). Buff Orientation (Loop 2) [VAR1]. Buff Tall (Loop 2) [VAR1] (swapping both puzzles in the process).||
* Slabdrill's World: Add Consecutive Normal Pits [VAR2]. Add The Withering Pit (and its Insight). De-cheese The Checkpoint Pit. Add Downfall.
* Green's World: Add Not Enough Nothing and Yesclip.
**v14.9 (17th August 2024):**
* Fixed a bug where mimics could eat time crystals.
* New hotkeys added for level search: Ctrl+F focuses/unfocuses the level search (even if it's not currently visible). Enter/Escape unfocuses the level search.
* Custom elements: Add Continuum, Spotlight. (These were really hard to implement. Expect bugs.) (Known bug: Timeline visualizer after using a spotlight and undoing is wrong.)
* Chapter -1: ||Buff Wall (Loop 2) [VAR1]. Buff Tall (Loop 2) and make the old version the Insight. Add Cliffs (Loop 2) [VAR1]. Say goodbye to Call A Cab (Loop 2). Credit Carrying It (Loop 2) to Slabdrill & dead0ne.||
* The Cutting Room Floor: Add Light Moooving Service [VAR1].
* Formless Exploration: Add Revenge of an Old Future.
**v15.0 (22nd August 2024):**
* Spotlight: Made it clearer what happens when you spotlight a terrain change. Fixed a visual-only bug where the timeline would display the wrong state after undoing a spotlight.
* Fix a bug where you could fall into a stack of a crate and a time crystal depending on actor order. Puzzle names containing 'phaseboard phasethrough', 'Light Trolling', 'Light Trolln't', 'Crystal Stack', 'Crystals Tack' get a compat flag to play with the old behaviour.
* 'Standard' label is emitted from chapters with no 'Advanced' puzzles.
* Gooftastical code to space out multiple simultaneous floating texts.
* Custom Puzzles: New feature, 'Setup Replay'. Level Editor Menu -> Instructions/Level Info for more information.
* Chapter 9: Move Heavy Fuzzing Service here (from Slabdrill's World).
* Chapter -1: ||Adjust Tall (Loop 2).||
* The Cutting Room Floor: De-cheese Jello Kiddie Pool and [VAR1]. Slabdrill's Jello Kiddie Pool [VAR2] is moved to Jello Kiddie Pool [VAR1] (Remix) and solution updated. Add Tiny Roast and its Insight.
* Formless Exploration: Add Circle Dance?. Patashu's Buff to Revenge of an Old Future. Patashu's Buff to Survival Section. Add Roast?, The Split.
* Slabdrill's World: Open a new chapter 'Only Pits'. Add The Magenta Pit [VAR5] and its Insight. Buff The Joke Pit. Change the credited author on Elevator Pitch 1/2, Foot Wiggle [VAR4], Durability? and [SPEEDRUN] A Way In?. De-cheese Foot Wiggle [VAR3] and add the cheese as (Remix).
* Green's World: Add Orientation (Loop 2) [VAR1] [VAR1], Revenge of an Old Future [VAR1].
* Bug Gallery: Add Crystals Tack, Light Trolln't, Light Trolln't [VAR1]. Move phaseboard phasetrough here from Limits Of The Game.
**v15.1 (24th August 2024):**
* Spotlighting a tick event now has an 'untick' timeline symbol.
* Chapter -1: ||Buff Cliffs (Loop 2) [VAR1]. Add its Insight. Replace The Last Pit [VAR2] (Remix) with (Insight).||
* The Cutting Room Floor: De-cheese Jello Kiddie Pool and [VAR1] and move them sooner.
* Formless Exploration: Add Mini Way In?, Minidane.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Heavy Fuzzing Service [VAR1] and [VAR2]. Buff Foot Wiggle [VAR4].
**v15.2 (31st August 2024):**
* Properly randomize actor dust cloud puffs.
* Fix a Setup Replay visual bug related to animations not properly running.
* Added 'Unwin' (default keybinding: Ctrl+F11), to unstar a previously won puzzle.
* The abyss chimes now play for some edge cases where a robot can surprisingly be permanently broken, involving repair stations, stars and checkpoints. (I decided to not check time crystals, since 'the only ways to unbreak are in locked turns and there are not enough green crystals left to unlock any of those turns' is a bit too complicated for my tastes, but I can do it if it's popularly demanded.)
* Actors in Night are now immune to Fire, Nudges and Repair Stations and boulders don't roll. (Hotfixed Costly Rewinds to use green nudges as a result.) Also fixed some bugs related to updating night status, breaking/unbreaking and phase boards. (There is still a more complicated version unfixed: Actor breaks, another actor is on stars/night + life/death phaseboard + gray/purple/void phaseboard, state won't be correct. I likely won't fix it.)
* Chapter -1: ||Add Pachinko [VAR2] and its Insight.||
* Custom elements: Add Void Gate of Eternity and Void Gate of Demise and Void Singularity.
* The Cutting Room Floor: Add World's Tiniest Pit and [VAR1]. Add Clockwork-, Skippity, Skippity [VAR1].
* Formless Exploration: Add Mini Cascade, Super Basic Sokoban.
* Slabdrill's World: Buff The Solo Pit. Add Magenta Flight, Downfall 2. Rework Foot Wiggle [VAR3]/[VAR4] and remixes. Prettify The Magenta Pit [VAR4]. Add Look It's Another Pit and The Last Pit [VAR3]. Add Light Boots, Inexorable Destruction? [VAR1] and its Remix.
**v15.3 (2nd September 2024):**
* The level editor tile picker now has a search box.
* Gates of Eternity and Demise now only become Void once they open. (Only puzzles with 'Void' in them (or the current replay has undoes in it already) record undos in their replays.)
* Changed the sprites of Void (Colour) and Native Colour.
* Gave the level editor tile picker tooltip a stronger drop shadow so it's slightly easier to read.
* Cracked Glass Block can now be broken out of from the inside. (Maybe I should also make cracked glass block not break actors when it reappears?)
* If a robot becomes permanently broken due to the last repair station or broken event being erased, then the 'abyss chimes' graphical effect now correctly undos.
* Updated the level editor descriptions for Gate of Eternity, Gate of Demise, Void (Colour), Void Singularity, Cracked Glass Block.
* Fix a bug where bump.ogg would play if you were just walking around as a void robot and the turn counter didn't advance.
* Custom elements: Add Void Wall, Void Fire, Void Stars, Void Fog.
* The Cutting Room Floor: Add Doomsday Clock.
* Formless Exploration: Add Sandra Embraces The Void.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Unaliving Service, [VAR1] and (Remix).
**v15.4 (3rd September 2024):**
* Don't play the 'Void Stars/Void Fog' effect if we're moving quickly through a replay.
* Boulders with a propellor attached can now have vertical boulder momentum. (Level Editor tooltip updated.)
* Custom elements: Add No Rising/Falling/Grounded.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Invisible Void Bridge.
**v15.5 (5th September 2024):**
* New setting: Settings > Gameplay > Timeline Symbols Show Previous State. (For example, this makes it so the wing symbol is shown when a robot transitions FROM the rising state, instead of TO the rising state.)
* 'Infinite loop' lose screens now instantly fade in (so you don't have to watch the infinite loop complete).
* Fixed an animation bug where, as part of post-gravity cleanups, an actor who's next fall would be onto a surprise would 'bump' towards it erroneously.
* Fixed a bug where a Spotlight would create rewind events even when state doesn't change, for example a broken->broken event.
* Custom elements: Add Phase Board One Way.
* The Cutting Room Floor: Add Grounded Uphill, Grounded Downhill.
* Slabdrill's World: Add Underflow and [VAR1], The Grounded Pit, The Falling Pit, The Left Pit, Falling Uphill.
Get Entwined Time
Entwined Time
A two time manipulation puzzle game.
Status | Released |
Author | Patashu |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | 2D, chiptune, Godot, Level Editor, Pixel Art, Robots, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly, Configurable controls |
More posts
- Steam release and Mikan Hako's LP!Nov 22, 2024
- Entwined Time: Coming to Steam!Oct 10, 2024
- New community puzzle author, Onatron!Sep 09, 2024
- v13.0: New community puzzle author, Green!Jun 22, 2024
- Chapter [-], B and C out!Jun 01, 2024
- Chapter A - Floorboards added!May 12, 2024
- v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 changelogMay 10, 2024
- v9 changelogApr 29, 2024
- v8, v8.1, v8.2 changelogApr 27, 2024
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